Part of the HHH company, the 30 years electronic expert, Fabled is the specialist of electronics and semiconductor for electric vehicles.

We provide ideals, find solutions and connect customers with technology that makes everything possible. A global provider of technology products, services, and solutions. Fabled guides innovation forward for leading technology components and service providers. We develop technology solutions that improve LEV and daily life. Supporting projects all the way from concept to production. Also Connecting customers and suppliers. Our strategic direction of guiding innovation , a way of thinking to bridge the gap between whatis possible and the practical technologies to make it happen. Fabled, we make it real.

With a one stop shop approach & offers a complete solution. Fabled can answer all your components needs motor, battery, display, charger, controller, torque sensor and IoT devices with quality, service and reactivity.

The Fabled mission is to sell the best product, propose the last innovation, and always keep a cutting edge technology for you project. We can make it better.
